House Owner Timeline 1769 – 2016

Here’s a timeline of the owners I have discovered so far. There are 11,  but I’m sure there are others that I still haven’t unearthed.

As the house was passed on by succession, I have listed the elder of the children that received the house by inheritance.

In fact, although the surnames change, it’s the same family throughout history. Apart from the last entry!





I’ve read through the 1749 ‘COMPOIX’ (a list and detailed description of all houses and land in the village, with its owner) and there’s not a mention anywhere of a house of this floor area.
Therefore it must have been built sometime between 1749 and 1769.

The archivists have assured me that I will eventually find the original ‘ACTE’ for the property, as all original deeds are kept in the Departmental archive. Then all will be revealed.

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